Opportunity Zone Group

Helping investors to qualify for Opportunity Zone benefits, and developers, investment funds, and investment advisers to structure, offer and manage Opportunity Zone Funds
Who We Represent
  • Investors seeking to qualify for the tax benefits of investment in Qualified Opportunity Zone Funds
  • Real estate developers raising capital for acquisition and development of U.S. real estate projects in Opportunity Zones
  • Private investment funds raising capital for investment in U.S. real estate and other Qualified Opportunity Zone Business Property
  • Registered securities broker-dealers and investment advisers raising capital and advising clients regarding investments in Qualified Opportunity Zone Funds
See our Investment Law Blog for information about how real estate developers can use Opportunity Zone funds to finance new real estate projects, and the significant tax benefits for investors.
What We Do
JMBM's Opportunity Zone Practice Group is a multi-disciplinary group of securities, tax and real estate law specialists who provide expert legal and business advice to assist our clients with:
  • Structuring and analyzing Opportunity Zone investment opportunities for investors
  • Structuring offerings of Qualified Opportunity Funds
  • Conducting offerings of Qualified Opportunity Funds in compliance with U.S. federal and state securities laws
  • Advising managers of Qualified Opportunity Funds on tax and operational issues
Investment Transactions
Analyzing Opportunity Zone Investments: We provide tax analysis and due diligence of Opportunity Zone investments being considered by our individual clients, and assist with negotiation of terms of their investment.
Structuring Qualified Opportunity Funds: We help our clients structure the terms of Qualified Opportunity Funds to meet the applicable tax requirements with appropriate adjustments to allocations, distributions, reinvestments and the ultimate exit strategy. We assist with both single asset investment funds and pooled funds.
Conducting Offerings to Raise Investment Capital: We counsel our Opportunity Zone Fund clients on methods for offering securities in compliance with federal and state securities laws, including advice regarding general solicitation, engagement of securities broker-dealers if desired and payment of fees to third parties.
Investment Adviser Law Compliance: We represent investment advisers registered with the SEC or one or more states in meeting the requirements that apply to their business under U.S. laws. This includes the Form ADV filing requirements, compliance with SEC and state rules for operation of investment advisers, and assistance with responding to SEC and state examination issues. In addition, we advise managers of Opportunity Zone Funds on how to meet the requirements for exemption from registration as investment advisers under SEC and state rules.
Please contact us to find out how we can help you with your Opportunity Zone Investments.