Gaining results through compliance, negotiation, governmental advocacy and litigation Successes
- For Vulcan Materials Company, Western Division: California Court of Appeal rules in favor of JMBM client in CEQA challenge For Vulcan Materials Company, Western Division: On February 19, 2013, the Second Appellate District of the California Court of Appeal ruled in favor of JMBM client Vulcan Materials Company in a CEQA challenge brought against the City of Azusa by the City of Duarte. Duarte sought to prevent Vulcan's plans to change the location of […]
- For Troesh Materials LLC: Second Appellate District Court ruled in favor of JMBM client In a decision published on February 8, 2013, the Second Appellate District Court ruled in favor of JMBM client Troesh Materials, LLC in a challenge brought pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) against the County of Santa Barbara's approval of Troesh's Diamond Rock Sand and Gravel Mine and Processing Facility (the "Diamond Rock […]
- JMBM Wins First Density Bonus Case Against the City of Los Angeles Under SB 1818 On December 8, 2008, JMBM attorneys successfully challenged an attempt by the City of Los Angeles to unlawfully impose conditions of approval on a proposed infill apartment project that was entitled to a height limit increase under SB 1818, the state density bonus law. Louise Apts. LLC v. City of Los Angeles is the first […]
- For Eagle Materials subsidiary Mathews Readymix LLC: JMBM represented construction materials company in stormwater discharge litigation California Sportfishing Protection Alliance v. Mathews Readymix, LLC, Case No. 2:06-CV-0505-MCE-GGH, involved litigation challenging stormwater discharges. JMBM represents Eagle Materials Inc. and its wholly-owned subsidiaries, Western Aggregates LLC, Mathews Readymix LLC, and Nevada Cement Company on a wide range of environmental matters. JMBM represents Eagle on various permitting issues relating to the Yuba Goldfields in […]
- For CEMEX, Inc.: JMBM successfully litigated award of attorneys' fees for bad faith environmental litigation In City of Santa Clarita v. U.S. Department of Interior (2004), USDC, Case No. CV-04-1572; U.S. Court of Appeals, Case Nos. 06-55225 and 06-55960 (2006) JMBM successfully represented CEMEX in obtaining an award of attorneys' fees against an environmental plaintiff for bad faith NEPA litigation, and the fee award was upheld on appeal by the […]
- For a property owner in Orange County: JMBM prosecuted CERCLA, RCRA and common law claims For a property owner in Orange County: JMBM prosecuted CERCLA, RCRA and common law claims against former owners and operators of two landfill sites.
- For a public property owner in Huntington Beach, CA: JMBM prosecuted CERCLA, RCRA and common law claims For a public property owner in Huntington Beach, California, JMBM prosecuted CERCLA, RCRA and common law claims against the lessee of a former gun range facility.
- For Target Corp.: JMBM represented the company in a significant Brownfields redevelopment project JMBM represented Target Corp. in a significant Brownfields redevelopment project, including the transformation of a former nuclear fuel rod manufacturing site into a retail center.
- For Trancas Property Owners Association: JMBM achieved a favorable resolution in a Coastal Act case In California Coastal Commission and State Lands Commission v. Trancas Property Owners Assn, et al., Los Angeles County Superior Court Case No. SC086150, JMBM's Kenneth Ehrlich served as lead counsel and achieved a favorable resolution for the defendants in a highly publicized litigation brought against a Malibu-area homeowners association and association officers in connection with […]
- For a scrap metal recycler: JMBM successfully defended the enterprise concerning water quality, stormwater and waste water discharge issues For a national scrap metal recycling enterprise, JMBM successfully defended the client in an administrative hearing before the Regional Water Quality Control Board and subsequent appeal before the State Water Resources Control Board concerning water quality, stormwater, and waste discharge issues.
- California Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Fund: JMBM has successfully processed and appealed more than 100 applications JMBM has successfully processed and appealed more than 100 applications to the California Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Fund; JMBM clients have obtained more than $30 million from this public program.
- For the California Hotel & Lodging Association and California Apartment Association (separately): JMBM successfully designed and implemented global Proposition 65 claims settlements JMBM was able to successfully create and institute a global Proposition 65 settlement of claims against 248 lodging establishments on behalf of California Hotel & Lodging Association members. JMBM has implemented similar programs for dozens of apartment management companies affiliated with the California Apartment Association.
- For a regional auto dismantling firm: JMBM negotiated federal consent decrees resolving alleged violations of the Clean Water Act JMBM attorneys were able to negotiate federal consent decrees for a regional auto dismantling firm, resolving alleged violations of the Clean Water Act involving 14 separate sites.
- For Vulcan Chemical Co.: JMBM successfully resolved a multi-party CERCLA cost recovery case For Vulcan Chemical Co., in a multi-party CERCLA cost recovery case regarding an aluminum smelter in Southern California's Inland Empire, JMBM successfully resolved the case after a successful CERCLA summary motion involving an aluminum smelter in the Inland Empire. The summary motion was followed by favorable resolution of cost recovery litigation.
- For American Golf: JMBM completed environmental due diligence on a $1.1 billion transaction involving 250 sites, within 3 months For American Golf, JMBM completed environmental due diligence on a $1.1 billion transaction involving 250 sites, within 3 months This included managing 5 national environmental engineering consulting firms to commission and complete Phase I reports for all sites and Phase II reports for numerous sites. JMBM attorneys completed an extensive environmental due diligence project involving […]